Business Thought Leadership

Surround yourself with people who inspire

The company you keep will matter to you and your company. It’s a lesson Luis González Esteves, co-chairman of CCOM Group Inc., recently shared with CEO Blog Nation, and one that stems from years of experience, instinct, and surrounding himself with great minds. A quote for the interview follows, along with a link to the full article.

I think it is very important to surround yourself with smart and ambitious personalities that you can learn from. If possible, identify a mentor that can help you grow your career. Having worked in media and communications for 30 years both in a corporate role as well as an entrepreneur it is very important to listen so you are able to learn and understand your audience. Always keep an open mind because the best ideas may at first seem strange or unachievable and yet these are the ones that may be life changing, innovative and successful. Most importantly Enjoy the Journey.”

Click on the link below to read the full article.